Sunday, November 12, 2006

Bloody Weird                                                                                                                                              

Bloody hell...We are watching 'How I Met Your Mother' and <a href="">Ra</a>  and this is what happened...

Ra: What would you call yourself if you were a pornstar? (How the fuck can you ask a question like that?)

Me:  Jeffery Harder...

Ra:   I want to call myself Long Dong Silver...*grin* can laugh now!

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Pollyanna said...

Arbit posts, but nice to have you back and posting.

Safari Al said...

can't help it. the arbitness is a simple result of the highly uninteresting life that i lead.

Unknown said...

DonWanObeKanobe, nice rhyme there.

Indus Creep said...

me will be Jack the Ripper.

(stolen idea...but so is long dong silver. cheers to piracy.)