Monday, July 10, 2006

I make people uncomfotable...

Sigh…! I make women uncomfortable, and something tells me that this is just half the story. And for once, I don’t want to hear the rest of it.

Apparently, women don’t like it when people can talk about sex without ahem-ing and err-ing. So, what is the big deal anyway, eh? Face it…someday you will realize that you want to have kids and I am pretty sure that you know storks don’t bring home little babies. And, if God had wanted to make sex a bad thing then he wouldn’t have made it so enjoyable.

But maybe I am wrong…sex is over rated.

I wish I could make people disappear.


Safari Al said...

you are neanderthal or ninenderthul?

If I tell ya, I'll have to kill ya said...

the art of knowing what to say, how much, and infront of whom is a delicate one...u'll learn with time...

chill man.

btw, me back.

Safari Al said...

i am giving up on that. i thought compiler design was bad. this is worse.

and good to see you back. you better write something...preferably with aircraft seat cushions and so on...:p

hairbraned said...

i dont think u've met some not-so-usual kind of women subbu! they can actually make anybody else umcomfortable!!

hairbraned said...

who the fuck is that ...? da? moron only... doent know A Parody i believe!!

Safari Al said...

dunno maga. some ninenderthul i guess.

White Knight said...
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White Knight said...

chill man. KREC is just over rated. The truth is out there. U have yet to meet the ones who can make u and me uncomfortable on such topics.

Eg: During some arbit conversation on rape that was going no where (at Peco's) this female actually made a statement, "I don't understand what all the fuss is about. When you are getting fucked, u might as well enjoy it"

Thera number aiyega