Saturday, May 20, 2006

Back in black!

I started writing this post and somehow my brain(or that lump in my skull that masquerades as a brain, but in reality is a hunk of the Titanic) wandered off. Brains(yes…I know it is a rusted, barnacled hunk of metal, but humor me) can very easily wander off when you are in a lab trying to work on some seemingly insurmountable problem. Mine wanders for no particular reason at all.

For the record, I am once again doing a project at the Department of Management Studies at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. The project is all confidential and hush-hush so all I can tell you is that it does not involve mayonnaise, engine-oil or live animals. In other words, no animals were harmed during this project. Save me. If that sounded impressive and you think I am a really cool guy, please drop me a mail at and I shall be more that happy to dispel your illusion.

So, getting back to wandering brains, mine wandered off for a bit of grazing and I read some old e-mails that have accumulated over the past couple of years. It starts of with a punk who slowly becomes this smart-aleck, then a know-it-all-wisecrack and then finally this formal sounding serious guy who seems to have figured out the answer to life, the universe and everything else. It looks like me and the answer is not forty-two. It’s not entirely new, this exercise, - I keep doing this once in about 6 months and each time a little new pattern pops out, a tiny piece of the jigsaw fits in and I eat another sandwich.
I rarely delete mails that are from real people.

It’s been a long time since I have posted anything and yet for some reason the counter keeps ticking. Someone is checking my blog and I would dearly like to know a) if it is a real person, b)if I know them, c)why do you keep checking my blog and d)do you like it. If you do like it(or even if you don’t) then, please leave a comment or drop me a mail at That’s the same id twice in this post. Saves you the trouble of scrolling up. And, yes, if you think you might have a friend or a relative who might like reading it, direct them to my blog.

I happened to go to this quiz that was happening at this local college here in Bangalore. Most colleges here have a fairly normal male-female ratio that is almost equal. Unlike the case in my college where it is 13:1. To cut a long story short, I found myself in the company of two really cute and interesting women, thanks to an old friend. They were friends of his. The average guy from my college would immediately start plotting pick-up lines and ways to hit on them, but all I could think of was data mining and linear programming. I am not gay which, now, implies that I am a)stupid, b)blind, c)decent or d)Don’t know/Can’t say. You choose. Following this realization that I was probably the biggest reason for an abnormally high national average age for people having girlfriends/boyfriends and that I was probably screwing up some other more gifted guys chances I left the place, got home, ate slept, made pasta and sandwiches, spent the night at the lab and wrote this.

So, much for now. More in a couple of days.


Indus Creep said...

first comment. yay.

was one of the two females an organizer for the general quiz held the prvious day?

Safari Al said...

Thankfully not. I avoid the woman in question, rather both the women in question - if you know what i mean ...smirk.

No it was some other bunch who were perfectly nice in their yo-cool-pseud-VTU way!

mathew said...

Lol!!!that was hilarious!!..

Safari Al said...
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Safari Al said...

@mathew: thanks man. nice to have someone new here.

Indus Creep said...

but that lolita-type chick is pretty smart...sneha i think her name is.