Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I have totally given up on titles for my posts. It's easier to use performancing and there are like ten people who read my blog.

The anatomy of an Orkut testimonial

X is an absolute pig and loves to torture echidnas. He forced me to write this at gunpoint so here goes...
X is a really sweet guy, whom I have known for n years. He was helpful and helped me clean up my potty in kindergarten, my vomit in class 3, first year of engineering and at my graduation. He is kind-hearted and loves animals. Not in the wrong sense...he he he.
He is very talented and can play the didgeridoo , the kanjeera and the fool. He..he..he..just kidding. He simply plays the fool.He...he...he kidding again. He got the first rank in class one and has ever since inspired me to improve my copying skills. He was also the best bench monitor and homework leader I ever had.
X, you have been a source of inspiration, constipation and ejaculation ( check all  that apply). Hope we remain friends...forever. should have just pulled the trigger and done yourself and all of us a big favor.

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Bloody Weird                                                                                                                                              

Bloody hell...We are watching 'How I Met Your Mother' and <a href="">Ra</a>  and this is what happened...

Ra: What would you call yourself if you were a pornstar? (How the fuck can you ask a question like that?)

Me:  Jeffery Harder...

Ra:   I want to call myself Long Dong Silver...*grin* can laugh now!

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Yet another post aka YAP I got this nitfty pugin for Firefox called Performancing. Google it....It works all right except that I can't seem to be able to get the title to the post right!

Frickin' weird life I lead. I sat up all of yesterday night trying to get stuff for a project working. And hell! wasn't mine. It was for a junior of mine. I cannot remember the last time I put some much rod for a project. And's not even a gal. It's a guy. Something like me - but much yo-er and born in the US of A.

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